For most of us, it is a day we honor a national symbol that stands for the our rights and the sacrifices of so many to protect those rights.

(It is also the birthday of the US Army.)

I give a full salute to those who honor our flag

I give one-finger salute to those

who dishonor it

by displaying it upside down

Why this display of dishonor?

Some do it in protest of the guilty on all 34 felony counts rendered against the draft- dodger, twice impeached, gun possessing, good friend of Putin, stealer of classified documents former President of the US. A man looking at several other trials involving felonious deeds and yet is still the only presidential candidate the GOP puts up. A constant repeater of threats against those who are responsible for his legal trial and conviction, those officials and witnesses involved in his upcoming trials.

A man who is walking free, awaiting sentencing on those 34 counts. A man so bold and cocky as to tell lies about the family of the judge that presided in Trump’s trial.

And leader of the January 6 Insurrection to overthrow the government of the United States of America.

Others maybe are protesting legal abortions or gun restriction laws. Liberal politics. Socialism in the form of Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, etc.

Many protest the taking of certain rights like being issued a passport or having a gun permit, or having a friendship with other convicted felons. Rights that were not taken away as yet from the man running for another term as president. A man who had declared to jail or execute all past and future political foes.

It is so bad even an upside down flag was flown at the home of a Supreme Court Justice. The spinless justice however said he didn’t do it, his wife did it.

There is a case right in my vicinity, of not only US flag being flown upside down, there was also a Confederate and a Nazi flag also being flown…right side up.

And to all you

Despicable Demonstrators

I have a suggestion

Take the pole

and sit on it


15 thoughts on “FLAG DAY

  1. GP did a great depiction of you! Well done and well-said, Don. We don’t have Flag Day here, and considering that British Neo-Nazis have ‘hijacked’ the Union Flag for their own hate marches, that’s probably just as well.

    Best wishes, Pete.

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